The Golf Outing Committee



The TBE Men's Club Golf Outing is a collaborative effort resulting from the work of many hard working volunteers. We'd like to recognize our committee members who begin to organize each year in September, for the event which occurs in July. Our 2020 Committee is comprised of the following members:


Ric Bachrach

(Co-Chair / Event Co-Founder)

Steve Levin

(Co-Chair / Sponsorship Chair /Treasurer)

Andy Cohen

(Co-Chair / Registration Chair)

Paul Festenstein & Joshua Kotula

(Silent Auction Co-Chairs)

Stu Caine

(Golf Captain Chair)

David Rosen

(Sponsorship / Golfers)

Jim Tuchler

(Prizes / Signage / Admin)

Mike Rubenstein

(Silent Aution / Event Co-Founder)

Jay Reil

(Silent Auction / Sponsorship)

Jeff Fishman

(Silent Auction)

Mark Trachtenberg

(Silent Auction & Sponsorship)

Larry Orleans

(Silent Auction / Golfers)

Elliot Bruckman

(Volunteers Chair)

Irl Grodsky


Bruce Weininger


Steve Lane

(Chipping Contest & At-Large)

Ben Margolis


David Levine


Mike Gold


Andy Baker




We also recognize and thank the many volunteers who help on the "day-of-event" each year. Several are "regulars" who have helped us for many years. They include Joy Bruckman, Debbie Cohen, Amy Rubenstein, Allie Rubeinstein, Diane Bachrach, Daniel Bachrach, Stacey Orleans, Alan Stone, Shel Leshner, Rabbi Debbie Helbraun, Johnah Helbraun, Amy Tuchler, Sue Hanover, Devra Doman, Debbie Glickman, Lanie Levin, Ben Levin, Mitchell Cohen, Judy Rosen, and the ever present Chuck Dantzker. You have our eternal gratitude!